Three persons smiling.
Relay GSE

Relay Graduate School of Education Denver


Relay’s mission is to teach teachers and school leaders to develop in all students the academic skills and strength of character needed to succeed in college and life. Our vision is to become the place where a new generation of continuously-improving, mission-driven individuals can fulfill their destiny in the world’s greatest profession.

To achieve our mission, we focus on preparing and developing outstanding teachers and school leaders. We set ambitious goals for our work, and we continually assess our effectiveness supporting our graduate students and their PK-12 students. By closely monitoring our progress in key areas, we move closer toward fulfilling our promises. While there is much to be done, we are deeply committed to getting there.

In the 2019–20 school year, we expect to serve more than 4,000 current and aspiring teachers across 19 campuses and 1,200 school leaders nationwide.
In total, our students will be impacting an estimated 400,000 PK-12 students.

  • College or University
  • Denver, CO

Institution Links

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Online Application
Ariel Page

Now, more than ever, I feel confident walking into my classroom ready to fight the good fight for my students. I thank Relay for helping me to continually increase my effectiveness and impact.

Ariel Page

Relay GSE


Licensure/Alternative Licensure only

Relay Alternative Certification Program

  • 15 months

    Program Duration

  • In-person, Online, Hybrid

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links

Program Info

Relay Teaching Certification is a one-year alternative certification program that prepares novice teachers, career changers, and others in need of teaching certification to enter the classroom with confidence. You’ll develop the skills needed to help children grow and earn your state teaching credential. This practical program is grounded in the theories and mindsets of successful teachers. Starting in the summer, you’ll the learn the fundamentals of creating a positive classroom culture and receive coaching from faculty who are experienced PK-12 teachers. Throughout the program, you’ll build your skills and receive support preparing for certification exams. You’ll complete the program prepared to pass licensure exams and continue your professional development as a teacher. Our curriculum focuses entirely on the educational theories and practices that improve student learning in the classroom. The Teaching Certification curriculum centers around four elements of instruction: building subject knowledge, cultivating a fun and productive learning environment, developing personal connections with students and families, and creating high-quality lessons. In this hybrid online and in-person program, you’ll learn the basics of how to build relationships with students, families and colleagues; you’ll apply proven strategies for establishing a positive and productive classroom culture; you’ll learn teaching strategies specific to the grade levels and subject areas, and you’ll develop skills in lesson planning and assessment. You will also develop foundational knowledge and skills in data-driven instruction to measure and track student performance and character growth.

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Application Fee & Annual Tuition

  • $19,550

    In State Tuition

  • $0

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at Relay Graduate School of Education Denver have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with Relay Graduate School of Education Denver to see if you can, too!


Grants, Stipends, Scholarships

Relay provides an Urban Teacher Scholarship to all graduate students, as well as possible enrollment in the AmeriCorps program.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office

Licensure Areas

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (K-12)
English Language Arts (7-12)
Mathematics Middle School (6-8)
Mathematics Secondary Education (7-12)
Science (7-12)
Social Studies (7-12)

Program Semesters/Steps Overview

Program Hallmarks

Get Started

Own the application process. Start a checklist to put yourself on track to becoming the best teacher you can be.